Glory Days Basketball (GDB) is more than just a basketball league.

It is a community for men of all ages to play, enjoy and socialize in the name of basketball. GDB aspires to help its players relive their young, glorious days of basketball fame together in a fun, social, and safe environment. It may be 10 years and 25 pounds later, but we definitely still know how to play hard, passionate basketball!

Unlike other basketball leagues in Taiwan, GDB provides the ultimate “Glory Days” package, which documents players’ basketball experience in the form of weekly photos, video highlights, stat records & analysis, top-notched website with player profiles, and more. But most importantly, what sets Glory Days Basketball apart from any other league in Taiwan is the communal bond developed throughout every season.

As GDB moves onward with each season, we hope to bring even cooler & fresher ideas to enhance our players’ experience!

Our “Glory Days” is no longer a thing of the past. We still got it!


"Glory Days" 顧名思義是 ”黃金歲月“

Glory Days Basketball (GDB) 不是一般的籃球聯盟

GDB 是由旅居美國,2010年返台的一對年輕夫妻Sean & Jessica Cheng工作搭擋, 以青春活力與健康運動理想為出發點. GDB所嚮往的是透過安全環境但同時兼顧娛樂與競爭性的比賽幫助球員們再次體驗他們年輕時曾經擁有的榮耀, 光輝與對籃球永遠不滅的熱情

比起一般籃球聯盟, GDB 更是一個能讓各個年齡層的大眾透過籃球享受比賽的樂趣並同時達到社交與建立更佳的人際關係的一個籃球社團組織

除此之外, GDB 將為所有參加的球員精心設計一套專屬個人籃球組合規劃, 包括每周替球員與比賽捕捉的攝影特寫, 每周精采好球, 各球員及球隊的數據紀錄與分析, 高水準的網站以及個別球員檔案介紹。 但最重要的是 GDB 透過每個球季的成長與發展建立了人群動脈並非一般籃球聯盟可以提供

隨著GDB不斷的成長我們也希望能提供更多有趣與創新的計畫與點子讓參與聯盟的球員有更多與眾不同的體驗, 期待每個球員都能找回自己曾經擁有過的輝煌!