1. 每場比賽打48分鐘共分四節,每節12分鐘不停錶制(暫停除外),前三節最後24秒及第四節最後2分 鐘停錶。每隊上半場有兩次暫停、下半場三次暫停,每次暫停30秒,上半場剩餘之暫停不得順延 至下半場使用。
2. 延長賽為2分鐘全停錶制,延長次數沒有上限。每次延長賽雙方各有一次暫停,犯規次數累加。
3. 預賽採單循環賽制,打七場,依勝場數判定各隊名次,如遇兩隊勝場數相同時,以兩隊對戰成績 判定。若三隊以上勝場數相同,則比較互相得失分;若三對得失分相同,比較整組總得分,取前四 名晉季後賽。季後賽採單淘汰制,以預賽排名1-4,2-3名打單淘汰賽,取冠亞軍。
4. 每個球員犯規次數達六次,即為犯滿離場。
5. 當球隊只剩5人,其中一人犯滿畢業離場時,比賽仍繼續進行,直到球隊不足4人將宣告終止,比 賽以20:0沒收。
6. 全部球賽吹判以裁判判定為準,主辦單位只可洽詢但不得干預或更改判決,任何記分板問題皆 以記錄台之記錄為基準。
7. 其餘皆比照FIBA之最新競賽規則,若有不宜之處,得由大會隨時修訂並公告。
1. 各隊須於比賽前二十分鐘到場,並向紀錄台報到。逾規定比賽時間十分鐘者作棄權論,以大會 時間為準,不得異議。比賽開始該隊5人可開打,遲到之球隊將判罰技術犯規乙次。
2. 球員必須穿著GDS提供款式之全套(球衣+球褲)球服,球衣正、背面均須燙印號碼以供裁判辨識, 未依規定穿著者(款式不同)一律不准出賽。服裝不合規定者大會不提供號碼衣租借。
3. 各隊出場比賽之球員,務必須攜帶附有照片之身份證件正本以備查驗(國民身份證、健保卡、駕 照、學生證),其餘證件均不受理。
4. 比賽中球隊如有不符資格或非該隊報名註冊球員頂替出賽,經大會查核或他隊檢舉屬實者(於開 賽前或是比賽中第一次替補上場時),即判罰技術犯規並取消該球員比賽資格。
5. 比賽期間如有球員違反運動精神之行為,如場上揮拳、鬥毆、侮辱裁判及工作人員等,聯盟有 權終止比賽並處與該球員或球隊禁賽之判決。
6. 本季賽程除國定連假以及不可抗力因素,如天災等暫停比賽之外,比賽皆照常進行,若無故棄 賽達兩次(含)以上,則沒收保證金3,000元。
7. 比賽進行時,如對比分紀錄有疑問,請立刻向紀錄台反映,大會將立即暫停比賽並進行確認更正。
8. 球隊需每周出賽,聯盟將盡力協助安排賽程,如需修改請於領隊會議中提出,領隊會議結束公告 賽程後不允許調整變更。如遇連續假期則暫停比賽。(有關停賽訊息聯盟將提前通知所有球隊,賽 程公告以GDS League Facebook 為準 www.facebook.com/GDSLeagueTW)
9. 各隊球員名單在球季開打第二場比賽後即不得再變更。(聯盟不接受任何理由更換球員)
10. 如遇政府、中心須使用場地或天候因素,聯盟有調整賽或延後賽程之權利。
11. 裁判將盡最大努力讓比賽順利進行,請給予裁判適當的支持與尊重。若球隊發現裁判有疏失時 (如遲到、執法不積極、有失中立等),可向大會提出檢舉,若經證實則給予該裁判停吹處分。 裁判也有權利驅逐任何不遵守規定的球員及教練,若不遵守吹判,聯盟有權取消該隊或該球員本 季比賽資格且不退費,並沒收3000元保證金。請球隊以正面的態度分享您對籃球的熱情。
12. 聯盟保留更改任何規則與規範之權利。
13. GDS League不負責比賽中任何疾病與藥物治療的發作,亦不負責球員受傷之保險,請球員自行評量本 身狀況後參賽。
GDS League特色
- 全台灣唯一的國際化業餘聯盟
- 專業官方網站 (www.gdsports.com/league)
- 官方Facebook (搜尋: @GDSLeagueTW)
- 官方Instagram精彩照片 (搜尋: GDSLeague)
- 贈送精美專屬球衣
- 每場賽事精選照片
- 每周Highlight特製影片
- 球員專屬個人數據網頁
- 團隊過往數據紀錄
- 冠亞軍球隊精美特製獎盃
- 個人獎項頒發
Ariel Chang O: (02)2537-7426 C: 0903-082-029 Email: ariel@gdsports.com LINE ID: candy56529
GDS League Rules & Regulations
Registration Info
Game Format
1. Each game is 48 minutes, divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter will be 12 minutes non-stop (Timeout not included). The last 24 seconds of the first three quarters will be played with stop clock. Last 2 minutes of the fourth quarter will also be stop clock. Each team will have 2 timeouts in the first half, and 3 in the second half. Each time-out is 30 seconds. The timeout opportunities for the first half can not be used in the second half.
2. Overtime will run for 2 minutes on a running clock. There is 1 timeout per team in each overtime. Total team fouls will be accumulated from the 4th quarter.
3. Each team will play 7 games total. Tie-breaker rules are as follows.
i. If two teams have the same record (or head to head), then the team that wins the head to head matchup will advance.
ii. If there are 2 or more team tiebreakers, the team with the greater point differential against the tie breaker teams will advance.
The top four teams will enter into the quarterfinal. 1st team will play the 4th team. 2nd team will play the 3rd team. Final game
will determine the champion and runner up.
4. Each Player is allowed 6 fouls in a game.
5. When a team only has 5 players present and 1 of them fouls out, the game will continue. If 2 players foul out and a team is left with 3 players, then the game will be cancelled and the score will end 20:0.
6. All the games are staffed and officiated by professional referees. The scoreboard will be based on the record of the scoring table staff.
7. GDS will follow and comply with FIBA rules and regulations. However, if there is a discrepancy between either a new or existing FIBA rule or regulation, GDS holds the right to determine which rule the league will follow and use.
Rules & Regulations
1. A team should arrive twenty minutes before their game. Any team that are late for more than ten minutes will be forfeited. GDS time standards will be used and objections will not be accepted. Game can start as long as there are 5 players. Any team that is late by less than 10 minutes will be charged with a technical foul: one free throw attempt by the opposing team.
2.Players must wear the full set of uniforms (top and bottom) issued to each team by GDS. Both front and back of the jersey will require printed number. Teams that fail to follow the uniform requirements will not be allowed to play the game. League will not provide jersey rentals during the game.
3. All players listed on the team roster will need to provide legal ID with photo upon the request of an opposing team. (Passport, National ID, Permanent Residential Card, Medical Insurance Card, Drivers License and Student ID are all accepted)
4. If a player who not on the official team roster attempts to play in a game, the opposing team will receive a technical foul (one free throw) and that individual player will no longer be eligible to play for the rest of the season.
5. If players violate our code of conduct, GDS League has the right to terminate the game and the right to suspend and termi- nate player's or teamʼs eligibility for the remainder of the season. Fighting and excessive arguing are forbidded at GDS. Our league GM will determine the severity of the violation.
6. Teams that are absent for more two games without previous notice will receive a fine of NT$3000 as penalty. In most cases, the team will surrender its security deposit.
7. If you have any disagreement or questions with the score, please refer to our scorekeepers immediately for double checking and correcting if necessary. Please be polite and patient to our scorekeepers as games could still be in process.
8. GDS League will do our best to arrange the schedule based on each teamʼs requests. For any change requests, please raise them during the Captainʼs Meeting. No changes will be allowed after the meeting. GM makes the final call. (The game sche- dule will base on the announcement by GDS League FACEBOOK Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/GDSLeagueTW)
9. Team roster cannot be changed after the end of the second game of the season.
10. In the event that the basketball facility becomes unavailable due to damage or government events, GDS League has the right to modify the game schedule and postpone the game.
11. Please respect our staff and officials at all times. In case of misbehaviour conducted by the referee, team is allowed to address it to the GM and we will make necessary adjustments. Also, the referee has the right to ask coaches and players who have violated the code of conduct set forth by GDS to exit the gym. If a player or team does not comply, then GDS has the right to terminate their eligibility for the remainder of the season with no refundable and confiscate the NT$3000 deposit.
12. GDS League has the right to modify any rules and regulations.
13. GDS League is not responsible for any injuries caused by illness, pre-existing medical conditions. GDS will also not be respon- sible for any injuries of its players that take place at a GDS league event. Please evaluate your individual wellness and make the best judgement before each game.
GDs League Uniqueness
- The only international amateur basketball league in Taiwan
- The most professional and complete amateur basketball league website that includes individual player stats, team stats, league leaderboard and more.
- The best and most professionally produced weekly player highlights on FB/IG
Facebook: @GDSLeagueTW
Instagram: GDSLeague - GDS exclusive customized team jerseys
- GDS exclusive customized champion and 2nd place trophies, as well as MVP for each division